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September 25, 2003

I can name airplanes no problem

I'm taking a bit of heat in comments about not knowing what kind of car my brother has. It's a '71 LeMans, which apparently is also sometimes known as a Tempest.

Posted by jghiii at September 25, 2003 02:54 PM
Posted by: sherman on September 25, 2003 08:06 PM

If you can't stand the heat..move to Berkeley where the average high temp is 70 and the average low temp is 60.

You write as if we wouldn't give you heat if you knew the car's make. Not true -- this just gives us an easy reason to burn you. We would have found other reasons if you knew the car make.

One request -- since no one ever emails me from comments, can you make the email address field optional, like the url field?

Posted by: dave on September 26, 2003 01:01 PM

make the E-mail address optional.
You already have my address,and if any one else wants to talk to me about a comment left on this page they can go through you or do it here on your web page

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