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December 22, 2003


Still waiting to hear from my Calif. friends.

[Map from]

Posted by jghiii at December 22, 2003 08:33 PM
Posted by: sherman on December 23, 2003 01:03 PM

People in California are horrible to ask information from.

I never felt it.

Posted by: beth on December 23, 2003 02:02 PM

I have to agree with you Sherm...when Jack was out there and we heard about an earthquake and asked him about it...his response was usually the same..."there was a quake out here, I never felt it."

Posted by: shermy on December 23, 2003 02:45 PM

We used to laugh at the way Jack would tell people back east that he lived in San Francisco. He wasn't even in the same county!!!! He was two counties away, even.

He wasn't even in the bay area. You should be able to see the bay from someplace in your town to claim that. I for instance, live in the Bay Area and can see the bay from my apartment windows.

Posted by: jgh on December 23, 2003 03:28 PM

Sherm wrote: "He wasn't even in the bay area."

Oh, so we're gonna get into this one again.

First, I always told people I lived in the "San Francisco Bay Area", cause I thought if I said "San Francisco" they'd all think I was a gay boy.

Second, by your own definition, Palo Alto is in the Bay Area. I learned to fly at Palo Alto Airport which is at the edge of San Francisco Bay.

We'd fly right-downwind out over the Bay. While in the pattern we could see San Jose to the south, most of the Bay to the east, south and north, and SF and Oakland off in the distance to the north.

Berkeley is such a small and insignificant patch of ground that you can't really see it until you get right over it.

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