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January 19, 2004

Now that we have THAT out of the way.

Now that the Pats are into the SuperBowl, we can focus a little bit on that other competition, the Presidential Primaries.

According to the latest polls Senator Kerry has made some fairly amazing advances in Iowa, Clark too, but not as dramatic. I wrote Kerry off a couple of months ago, and chances are that that is still a safe position, but his Iowa accomplishments are impressive and earn him a bit of reconsideration in my book.

Anita, my dear friend, the rabid Democrat from NH, has supported Congressman Gephardt since day one. She's said his strategy was to show strong in Iowa, and leave NH for the favorite sons. That strategy may be working or maybe not. I saw a comment in the past couple of days that Gephardt has gone to the well in Iowa one-too-many times. That the caucusers of Iowa won't support him this time.

I'm not one of the first people you should listen to for political analysis, but it still seems to me that this thing is between Dean and Clark.

SteveG, who has been talking up Clark, takes a Boston Globe reporter to task for what Steve considers sloppy and/or slanted writing about Clark in today's paper.

The Iowa Caucuses gather at 8 pm ET tonight. Here's an interesting Washington Post piece about how the Caucuses work. Apparently we'll hear entrance polling at that time, and actual "results" later in the evening.

Now this thing really gets rolling.

Posted by jghiii at January 19, 2004 11:40 AM
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