June 26, 2006

Ze Frank on Bill's Gates' charity plans.

From last Thursday's Ze Frank video show:

Last week Bill Gates announced that he's stepping down from his current position at Microsoft as Chief Software Architect. Gates will begin to focus more on his charitable work for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in his quest to rid the world of diseases such as Malaria and HIV....

Wait! So Bill Gates is gonna spend his fortune trying to cure the world of viruses?...

I guess he does have some experience with viruses...

You gotta know how to give 'em to cure 'em...

Unofficial plans include giving out booster shots that need to be updated every year for a premium, and the release of a vaccine that will make the patient more vulnerable to other viruses that Gates is also working on the vaccine for. Both vaccines are schedule to be released in the year 2481.

Posted by jackhodgson at June 26, 2006 09:42 AM