February 25, 2005

Oh, THAT's who that was...

From today's Boston Globe:

[Redsox manager Terry ] Francona was asked what he plans to say to President Bush when the Sox visit the White House Wednesday.

"Probably, 'I'm sorry,' " Francona said.

The last time the two spoke was by phone when Bush called to extend congratulations on winning the World Series.

"I thought it was somebody else," Francona said. "It was real short. I was taking a nap with my youngest daughter. The whole time he was talking to me I was thinking, 'Who is this?' I couldn't put a name to it. I couldn't figure it out.

"Then I hung up and got a call from [Senator John] Kerry. I said, 'Oh [expletive], that was the president.' "

Posted by jackhodgson at February 25, 2005 06:00 PM